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Russia's king of diplomacy becomes sanctioned pariah

Russia's king of diplomacy becomes sanctioned pariah

When Russia's veteran Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov hosted his British counterpart Liz Truss for talks in Moscow in February in a doomed attempt to avert war, he had a trick up his sleeve.

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Honduras repeals controversial secrecy law

Honduras repeals controversial secrecy law

Honduras has repealed a controversial secrecy law in a bid to battle corruption following a late-night parliamentary session Tuesday.

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Built in wake of WWII, Kyiv metro offers shelter from Russian shells

Built in wake of WWII, Kyiv metro offers shelter from Russian shells

The wounded Ukrainian soldier dropped his crutches to the Kyiv metro station floor and picked up his five-year-old son, first wiping tears from his shaking wife's face.

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Covid has taken severe mental health toll: WHO

Covid has taken severe mental health toll: WHO

The Covid pandemic has taken a dire toll on mental health, the WHO said Wednesday, indicating that cases of anxiety and depression had swelled by over 25 percent globally.

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UN agrees to create 'historic' global treaty on plastic trash

UN agrees to create 'historic' global treaty on plastic trash

The United Nations on Wednesday agreed to start negotiating a world-first global treaty on plastic pollution in what has been hailed a watershed moment for the planet.

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Pipe dreams: German village seeks future for Nord Stream 2

Pipe dreams: German village seeks future for Nord Stream 2

Once defended by the former chancellor Angela Merkel as a purely economic project that will bring cheaper gas to Europe, the controversial 10-billion-euro Nord Stream 2 pipeline has finally been canned by Germany over Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

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Ford unveils new structure as it speeds electric car push

Ford unveils new structure as it speeds electric car push

Ford announced Wednesday it is creating separate businesses for its conventional and electric-auto operations, as it accelerates its build-out of emission-free vehicles.

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Everton suspend sponsorship agreements with Russian billionaire Usmanov

Everton suspend sponsorship agreements with Russian billionaire Usmanov

English Premier League club Everton said Wednesday they were suspending with "immediate effect" sponsorship agreements with three companies in which Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov has a stake following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

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Nearly 875,000 refugees have fled Ukraine conflict: UN

Nearly 875,000 refugees have fled Ukraine conflict: UN

The number of refugees fleeing the conflict in Ukraine has surged to nearly 875,000, UN figures showed on Wednesday, as fighting intensified on day seven of Russia's invasion.

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Top oil producers hold course despite Ukraine war

Top oil producers hold course despite Ukraine war

Saudi Arabia, Russia and other top oil producers on Wednesday agreed to hold firm on only gradually opening the taps despite Russia's assault on Ukraine sending prices spiralling.

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