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Musk gives 5 mn Tesla shares to unspecified charities

Musk gives 5 mn Tesla shares to unspecified charities

Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk, considered the richest person in the world, has donated 5.04 million shares of his company to unspecified charities, according to a securities filing.

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West sees 'positive signs' as Russia says some troops pull back

West sees 'positive signs' as Russia says some troops pull back

Western leaders said Tuesday they were seeing positive signs that Russia was looking to ease tensions over Ukraine, after Moscow announced it was pulling back some of the troops deployed on its neighbour's borders.

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Honduran ex-president faces US extradition for alleged drug trafficking

Honduran ex-president faces US extradition for alleged drug trafficking

Honduran ex-president Juan Orlando Hernandez, accused by Washington of ties with drug traffickers, vowed Tuesday to cooperate with domestic justice in a US bid to extradite him.

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Israeli forces kill Palestinian in W. Bank

Israeli forces kill Palestinian in W. Bank

A Palestinian was killed by Israeli fire in the occupied West Bank Tuesday, both sides said, during what witnesses described as a confrontation between protesters and Israeli troops.

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Jaissle's Salzburg poised for Bayern Munich 'storm' to hit

Jaissle's Salzburg poised for Bayern Munich 'storm' to hit

Matthias Jaissle says his Red Bull Salzburg side are preparing for "a storm" to hit them in the shape of German giants Bayern Munich who are bristling after losing 4-2 to Bundesliga minnows Bochum on Saturday.

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Kyiv residents resolute as Russia signals pullback

Kyiv residents resolute as Russia signals pullback

At 80 years old, Kyiv retiree Yuriy Mykhailin has seen Ukraine battle through a lot to forge its own path in the world, and he's not going to let Russian pressure daunt him now.

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Norwegian Olympian blows medal chance after taking wrong turn

Norwegian Olympian blows medal chance after taking wrong turn

Norwegian nordic combined athlete Jarl Magnus Riiber has had a Beijing Olympics to forget.

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Liverpool captain Henderson fit to travel for Inter Milan clash

Liverpool captain Henderson fit to travel for Inter Milan clash

Liverpool captain Jordan Henderson has been passed fit to travel to Italy for the first leg of the club's last-16 Champions League tie at Inter Milan on Wednesday.

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Russia's Valieva comes top in Olympic figure skating short programme

Russia's Valieva comes top in Olympic figure skating short programme

Russia's Kamila Valieva placed top in the Olympic figure skating short programme Tuesday, after being allowed to compete despite testing positive for a banned substance before the Games.

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France's Villiere out of Scotland Six Nations trip

France's Villiere out of Scotland Six Nations trip

France winger Gabin Villiere will miss this month's Six Nations visit to Scotland with a facial injury, sources told AFP on Tuesday.

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